Tag Archives: astronomy

Jupiter and so

I read this the day before yesterday: apparently, Jupiter has lost one of it’s bands (National Geographic on this) within the last couple of months (or even year). If you’re curious if this will have any impact on our Earthly … Continue reading

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A shuttle. A Space.

Last week, I found out that the Space Shuttles are going to be retired next year. Currently, NASA is looking for the shuttles’ final home: several institutions consider displaying America’s Expensive and Great Leap Of Faith Into Space. Sarcasm aside, … Continue reading

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The light

A couple of days ago, I was thinking of mankind’s efforts to make an invisible cloak: I’m not sure why I came up to that subject, but, at one time, I remember trying to explain someone what light is and … Continue reading

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The mist thereafter

Yesterday, it was Earth Hour day, which is a WWF-supported event that urges people to turn off the light switch for an hour. While I didn’t join the call, I understand that this is a highly symbolic gesture (CBC coverage … Continue reading

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Click. Clack.

Some stuff I ran into earlier. I read that Windows 7 (Microsoft much-touted successor of Windows Vista) is positioned as the ‘Linux Killer’ (original article at Computer World). From that article: The threat to Windows comes entirely from “netbooks” — … Continue reading

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Haute hyperedroit

I saw ‘Religulous’ (imdb) the other day, which I thought was entertaining but awkward. I like Maher’s ‘Real Time’ show and I think his work is generally funny, but he’s definitely no Michael Moore. If you plan to watch it, … Continue reading

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A bang.

Via New Scientist: researchers have worked on a (computer) model that suggests that our universe could have emerged from another collapsing universe. The researchers based their model on a theory called the Loop Quantum Cosmology, which was (originally) proposed in … Continue reading

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On. I think.

Meteorites collectors, astronomers and researchers are trying to pinpoint the track of the meteor that lit the Prairies’ sky, last week. According to the latest calculations (Newtonian, hahaha), the meteor had a mass of 10 tons. I say, it was … Continue reading

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Planet 9

US astronomers have made the first photo of an exoplanet that makes it rounds around the star Formalhaut. It took a couple of years (and a lot of patience) to actually confirm the planet though. Additionally, another team of astronomers … Continue reading

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Silly Season

So: Political Silly Season is finally over and word has it that Obama and Bush are going to have an arm wrestle match next week. Besides McCain officials throwing each other in ‘front of the bus’, I also read that … Continue reading

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Know. Knol.

Last week, Google opened their ‘Knol’ site for the general public: It’s a knowledgebase and it’s targeting the other knowledgebase we learnt to hate and love, Wikipedia. The web itself is divided in the (usual) camps: Love it and Hate … Continue reading

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A suffering object

An assortment of links, or as my English-speaking portion of my brain prefers to call them: a ‘whole bunch of I-forgets’. A while ago, a Dutch teacher discovered a weird object in the constellation of ‘Leo Minor’. Thanks to the … Continue reading

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Missing: 2 Milky Way arms.

I found this map of the Milky Way (warning HUGE [5000×5000]) via Reddit (thread). The picture comes from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, and (ofcourse), comes with a brief press release about the actual point of the map: Two of Milky … Continue reading

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