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Category Archives: Hyperlinks
Steam stuff
Having been on Steam now for over 10 years (really): I remember the days that Reddit’s most popular games delivery system was oh so unstable and bug-ridden. I also remember ordering my very first Steam game on-line, which was X3-Reunion. … Continue reading
Posted in Hyperlinks
Tagged Egosoft, Steam, Valve, X-Rebirth, X3:Reunion
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Random Christmas stuff
Now that vacation is sort of settling in, the following links attracted my full attention. In order of interest and heritage. I think. The Dutch language is a very ‘adopting’ language: as opposed to the French, the Dutch language allows … Continue reading
Posted in Hyperlinks, Video Games
Tagged Dutch language, Reddit, Steam, WarZ
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Dragons and Laptops
What is funnier than ‘America’s Funniest Home Video Show’? Why, items that are wrongly priced on on-line shopping sites! I mean, a 10,000 dollar laptop that features a second generation i3 processor, a tame Radeon processor and yes, 6 GB … Continue reading
Posted in Hyperlinks
Tagged A Game of Thrones, laptops, Songs of Fire and Ice
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Japan and Clancy
A month or so, I decide to start reading all the books in Clancy’s “Ryan-verse” (Wikipedia). In short, the serie’s protagonist, Jack Ryan, is literally put in so many life dangering situations that at times made my toes curl. My … Continue reading
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Roll up the Rim 2012
Hey: it’s Roll up the Rim time again, you know, Canada’s favourite pastime besides eating donuts and shovelling snow. I got my first cup just a couple of days ago and I was allowed to “play again”! Amazing. The low … Continue reading
SJ, Internet
I think we just survived the worst two weeks of May, ever: it had been raining for so long, that everybody and their cats were either longing for sun or snow. It’s bad when you get hit with a lot … Continue reading
Posted in Hyperlinks, Saint John NB
Tagged cancer, hurricane, Judgement Day
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Not. Again.
Via the Null Device (link), the timely announcement that it’s time for the yearly Eurovision Songcontest (link) and all the hoopla and camp that comes with it. Actually, the very first link goes to Der Spiegel, which is an article … Continue reading
Roll up the Rim 2011
This years “Roll Up The Rim” contest seems to have started early and it seems like Tim Horton’s (or its parent company) has decided to have the contest run slightly longer because, it’s the contest’s 25th anniversary. If it runs … Continue reading
Return to mail
So once in a while, this blog acts as my right-side brain part. I’ve mentioned Eudora plenty of times on this blog and back in 2006, I reported on the ‘open-sourcing’ of this Grande Olde Dame of e-mailing (Oct 11th, … Continue reading
Meanwhile in SJ
Way back in 1998 and 1999, I switched to the Gecko-flavoured Phoenix web browser, which eventually was renamed into the browser you now know as Firefox. When Chrome came out, what, 2 years or so ago, I switched mainly because … Continue reading
In Vitro Music
Hey, it’s the new year and at xsamplex, we wish you a happy easter and a merry christmas. For 2011, that is. I only have a bunch of left-over links and for no reason, this posting’s title may have nothing … Continue reading
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Which twins?
If you look for twins on Google Images, the majority of the results show the oh-so-famous Olson twins. I only mentions twins here, because earlier, Gizmodo featured a story about a conjoined twin (the original story at Macleans): it’s a … Continue reading
The GPL and other links
I hate to pay too much attention to issues that are so trivial that you want people just to shut up and accept it: A couple of weeks ago, WordPress came a bit in the news because a popular theme … Continue reading
Posted in Hyperlinks
Tagged China, future, GPL, Pew research, statistics, Wordpress
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