Category Archives: More-of-this

More of this recap


Last Friday, attorneys of the ACLU and the Dover School board district had their closing arguments in the Kitzmiller vs. DASD case. For people not familiar with the case, it’s probably one of the more important cases in the science … Continue reading

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More of this, please

In this week’s ‘More of this, please’ I was going to highlight a couple of political matters, but I decided to cast the light on airplanes and carriers. First, Ghost of a Flea’s plea for a missive for Marketplace concerning … Continue reading

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More of this, please

Round of a couple of previously underappreciated new items: Back to Terry Schiavo: In the week after the death of mrs. Schiavo, plenty of Republican congressmen and senators backtracked their opinions. Bill Frist, Republican Senator issued a statement that the … Continue reading

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More of this, please

This week’s ‘More of this, please’ recap will not focus on the death of the Pope. For your weekly dose of public grief please visit Metafilter or something. This week, Canada resumed the annual seal hunt, something that didn’t go … Continue reading

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More of this, please

Recapping the news, the following tidbits were interesting (and apparently) less highlighted: In the Schiavo case: Agents of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement told the police in Pinellas Park that they were on their way to get Terri to … Continue reading

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