This is a quick & dirty class wrapper for C# projects (most likely only .Net framework 2.0) which should compile perfectly in both SharpDevelop and the Visual Studio Express, C# edition. It basically will read field information from a table and converts that to a class. The rest is up to you of course, but, heck, it saves you typing all those fricking fields. Note that I come from the Pascal generation so I use those devillish ‘f’s for private members.
Notice that it DOES NOT COME WITH AN EXECUTABLE. If you need an executable, you can mail me personally and I’ll consider adding it to the zip-file: however, if you ended up on this page, most likely you were looking for something like this and I took the freedom to assume that you already know how to compile this stuff.
Additionally, while released under the GPL (what, you mean?), the license does not apply to the generated code.
1. Download the zip-file.
2. Extract it to a folder.
3. Compile and build it.
4. Run with parameters like for example ‘DbClassWrapper -o=”TestDB” -u=”Huh” -p=”admin” -t=this_table > output.txt’
Right here: DBClassWrapper (zip file ~20KB).
Future Enhancements
Generate insert / update code/methods based on primary key/unique constraints information.