Category Archives: Scientifically

Greenpeace and other stuff

I was sort of impressed with Amy Larkin’s “Environmental Debt” presentation at GoogleTalk. I’m saying “sort of”, only because, what she’s saying is not exactly new. She urges companies to switch from short term profit to ‘long term profit and … Continue reading

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In Russia

Earlier this month, a meteor exploded (I guess, literally) above the Russian town of Chelyabinsk causing plenty of injuries and damage. Thanks to car cams installed in (many) Russian cars, amazing footage was captured of the meteor’s entrance and explosion … Continue reading

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Four weeksago or so, NASA’s JPL successfully landed the rover “Curiosity” (wikipedia) on Mars. The landing was probably one of the most watched (and celebrated) events on the Internet, witness the many gifs of cheering NASA people (Happy NASA guy … Continue reading

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400 to volunteer?

National Geographic has an article about how readily people are to volunteer for ‘single fare’ missions. According to the National, when Fox News (yeah, we know) reported about future Mars missions, 400 readers signed up for a possible trip. Apparently, … Continue reading

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From bridge to evolution

A bunch of links, collected from the Internet: The prime-minister was in Saint John last Friday and gave away a freebie for the people of Saint John: The toll booths on the Saint John Harbour bridge will disappear. I’m not … Continue reading

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Last Friday, Benoit Mandelbrot died, which was widely published around on the Internet. Generally adored by nerds, Mandelbrot, while respected, was a fairly controversial figure in the mathematics world. Mandelbrot doesn’t spend months or years proving what he has observed,” … Continue reading

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Heathrow, sucks and then III

My favourite peeve is a rant about Heathrow, London’s premier airport with those long line-ups, confusing pedways and oh-so helpful security guards (earlier on xsamplex). And irritating survey people who question you why you didn’t buy that backpack even after … Continue reading

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A bang.

Via New Scientist: researchers have worked on a (computer) model that suggests that our universe could have emerged from another collapsing universe. The researchers based their model on a theory called the Loop Quantum Cosmology, which was (originally) proposed in … Continue reading

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Planet 9

US astronomers have made the first photo of an exoplanet that makes it rounds around the star Formalhaut. It took a couple of years (and a lot of patience) to actually confirm the planet though. Additionally, another team of astronomers … Continue reading

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You can get out of your bunkers now: I hear that the first test run at the LHC was a smashing success. The actual smashing happens later this year, so you may want to keep an eye on any black … Continue reading

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Via Aetiology, I found out that the Marburg virus was discovered in a Dutch woman: According to Dutch reports, Friday (or Thursday night) she didn’t survive (Dutch language alert, see also WHO report about the individual case). That same article … Continue reading

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Same old. Same old.

This week, the New England Journal of Medicine reported about a small success in the fight against (skin) cancer: An Oregon man diagnosed with skin cancer, was injected with a couple of billion of cloned T-cells of his own and … Continue reading

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Missing: 2 Milky Way arms.

I found this map of the Milky Way (warning HUGE [5000×5000]) via Reddit (thread). The picture comes from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, and (ofcourse), comes with a brief press release about the actual point of the map: Two of Milky … Continue reading

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