Tag Archives: fractals


Last Friday, Benoit Mandelbrot died, which was widely published around on the Internet. Generally adored by nerds, Mandelbrot, while respected, was a fairly controversial figure in the mathematics world. Mandelbrot doesn’t spend months or years proving what he has observed,” … Continue reading

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Click. Clack.

Some stuff I ran into earlier. I read that Windows 7 (Microsoft much-touted successor of Windows Vista) is positioned as the ‘Linux Killer’ (original article at Computer World). From that article: The threat to Windows comes entirely from “netbooks” — … Continue reading

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Via (the always excellent) 3 Quarks, a new theory how the Great Pyramid was built. The original site that hosts a video and 3D animation (from Dassault Systems) requires an extra plugin (3D Life player), which also works on Firefox … Continue reading

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