

After a long time bickering and thinking I’ve decided to work on a comment plug-in for WordPress. There aren’t too many of these around, plus, while most of them work, they don’t work the way I’d like them to work.

Notice that this is a ‘functional’ plug-in, meaning that it works but that I haven’t had time yet to add the stuff I really need: I’m working on the exceptions postings and the ‘automatic close comments’ stuff (currently I’m using a bare to the bones plug-in).


1. Download the plug-in.
2. Copy it to your plug-in folder.
3. Activate it within WordPress.
4. Go to the Options page and look for the page ‘Comment Central’.

A couple of notes before you download it: if you have a WordPress 1.x series installed, you may want to go to this thread first. I’m not sure where the major differences are between the 1.x and 2.x versions. This plugin was developed on the WordPress 2.0 platform and tested on the 1.5.x , 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 series. And YES, CommentCentral also works on WordPress 2.5.

12/11/08: CommentCentral works fine on WordPress 2.7.

How does this work

I provided a couple of ways to close comments:

  • Simple: Close everything. Or Open everything.
  • Intermediate: Make a selection of ‘last’ posts to close or open.
  • Advanced: Close comments/pings based on a date range or post ID.



  • Simplified Status message (get rid of some of the ‘nothing’ to report
    bugs). Notice that I’m working on separating PingCount from CommentCount
  • Use ‘prettier’ date selection (use current month/year)
  • Remove static ‘year’ box selection.


  • Use fieldset apropriately in ‘By Last Number’.
  • Clean up some MySQL code (aliases issue).
  • Degrade alert message nicely for lower versions.


  • Added extra Post ID selection (user can now select messages by ID). (slightly finicky programmed).
  • UI changes: Show fancy message at top, finetuned some text.
  • Minor cosmetic code changes (wpdb->table call.
  • Added version check wordpress so statistics query ‘degrades’ nicely to a left outer join query (Thanks Alfons)

0.3 Latest changes: statistics + minor cosmetic changes.


Right here: ahcomments.zip (latest)

If you need the older version: ahcomments.zip (0.4.2)


  • WP-Plugins Development (here)