Tag Archives: global warming

The mist thereafter

Yesterday, it was Earth Hour day, which is a WWF-supported event that urges people to turn off the light switch for an hour. While I didn’t join the call, I understand that this is a highly symbolic gesture (CBC coverage … Continue reading

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Yesterday (I think), the International Herald Tribune posted an article about Dutch plans to create a tulip-shaped island in the North Sea. The plan was brought up by the Dutch Innovation Platform (Dutch-only) with the goal to showcase the Dutch … Continue reading

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Pray, tell, rain

I read that the Orthodox Church of Cypres has ordered priests to pray for rain on December the 2nd of this year. It appears that this is a routine that has been done before, most recently when a comparable drought … Continue reading

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I, link.

A couple of links I ran into which are worth mentioning and that only for future reference: I discovered NYT’s amazing Multimedia section only because I was looking for photos discussing the Black Sea environmental disaster (discussed earlier, direct link … Continue reading

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Evil feral stuff

I have not really been following any news but ‘skirmished’ through some of the Nobel prize announcements: Doris Lessing won the one for Literature. In the Physics section, the prize went (deservedly so) to two scientists who were instrumental in … Continue reading

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All things Bulgarian world news.

This morning, I read that the 6 Bulgarian medical workers who were imprisoned in Libya, were released after being jailed for 8 years. If you’re not familiar with the story, the BBC’s Q&A and the workers’ profiles should get you … Continue reading

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Dead wood

Links then: 1. Earlier I mentioned “America at a Crossroads”, the excellent series broadcasted by the PBS. It appears that you might be able to find them as torrents online. 2. Via 3 Quarks Daily, too many ways of lacing … Continue reading

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I followed the events yesterday, when the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform had Valerie Plame on the witness stand who, under oath, told the public her side of the story (QT7). I flipped forth and back between opinions … Continue reading

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Not another groundhog day

This is the future speaking: Shubenacadie Sam predicted that Spring will come early this year. Live from the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park. Oh wait, they don’t do frequent updates I guess. Their loss. Cuteness at the local newspaper’s website. The premier … Continue reading

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