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Tag Archives: TV
Are you a wookie?
I read that it’s exactly 30 years ago that Star Wars was released in theatres in the US. Links that might help you through the weekend: Wired has plenty of stuff. Metafilter discussion and (of course) Slashdot. I was too … Continue reading
The Tele and then that
I read that CBS’s Evening News is falling behind in rates (originally via Alan). Some media reports blame this on America’s first (female) anchor, Kate Couric. And a recent Gallup poll reinforced the notion that Ms. Couric had become a … Continue reading
Bring the Buzz
I found out that today it’s Eurovision Songfestival day (all related items at xsamplex). Actually, was: the winner is a Serbian ballad singer, who apparently beat a Ukranian drag queen. The final results can be viewed here. The BBC has … Continue reading
Dead wood
Links then: 1. Earlier I mentioned “America at a Crossroads”, the excellent series broadcasted by the PBS. It appears that you might be able to find them as torrents online. 2. Via 3 Quarks Daily, too many ways of lacing … Continue reading
America at a crossroad
All week, the PBS has been broadcasting an excellent series about the challenges we face in the world, particularly the conflicts between the religious and the secular worlds. Watching the series, I thought that the name of the series was … Continue reading
I learnt that Jeff Goldblum is starring in a new TV show, ‘Raines’. I think the show is on NBC, every Friday night. I read the show is about, wait, let me pull a quote from the site mentioned earlier: … Continue reading