I, link.

A coupleWarming over all continents of links I ran into which are worth mentioning and that only for future reference:

I discovered NYT’s amazing Multimedia section only because I was looking for photos discussing the Black Sea environmental disaster (discussed earlier, direct link to photos). I knew that the paper did some podcasts but the photo section (for some kind of reason) is something I must have missed.

In March 2007, Conde Nast Traveler sent out a reporter to travel around the world in exactly 80 days: he wasn’t allowed to board a plane or use a vehicle going faster than 100mph. The result isn’t as (scientifically) surprising as the end of that similar-named Jules Verne story, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

Friday night I was reading up on the IPCC’s report on global warming: I read that there was going to be a crucial announcement Saturday morning. The (draft) report can be found right over at that link too (direct link [PDF]).

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