Category Archives: Hyperlinks

The mist thereafter

Yesterday, it was Earth Hour day, which is a WWF-supported event that urges people to turn off the light switch for an hour. While I didn’t join the call, I understand that this is a highly symbolic gesture (CBC coverage … Continue reading

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I can’t recall the link to this specific page where I took that screenshot, but yeah, it’s about the colour red and the emotions it invokes in men. I think the link was originally coming from Reddit (or Digg), but … Continue reading

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For what it’s worth: Don’t bother looking for a complete IDE for Javascript development. They’re out there, but they don’t work and come with a huge payload of crap that needs to be installed for your popular browser. You may … Continue reading

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Ice, Ice, Maybe (part 2)

I finally figured out why help is skimpy on Wix (the Windows Installer XML toolkit): that’s mainly because the original designers of Wix don’t want you to use Wix. It’s that simple: Wix’s learning curve is so steep, I wouldn’t … Continue reading

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Links go here

I was playing with Mono last night, only after I found out that it supports static compilation which makes Mono a lot more compelling for going cross-platform. Much to my surprise, I found out that some of my (personal) applications … Continue reading

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The Googles

I think some kind of rollout of Google’s ‘warning harmful site ahead’ feature went amuck this morning. Please refrain from clicking the link that says ‘This site..’: it’s inaccessible because I suppose everybody in the world is trying to find … Continue reading

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Click. Clack.

Some stuff I ran into earlier. I read that Windows 7 (Microsoft much-touted successor of Windows Vista) is positioned as the ‘Linux Killer’ (original article at Computer World). From that article: The threat to Windows comes entirely from “netbooks” — … Continue reading

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Haute hyperedroit

I saw ‘Religulous’ (imdb) the other day, which I thought was entertaining but awkward. I like Maher’s ‘Real Time’ show and I think his work is generally funny, but he’s definitely no Michael Moore. If you plan to watch it, … Continue reading

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The 100 Lunar Pound Question

To my surprise, I found out that New Years Day started with a (white) bang in Nova Scotia: In New Brunswick we got away with a couple centimeters and mainly the cold wind. Justice was served, I believe and I’m … Continue reading

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This Year In Blog

Top ten lists of 2008 tire me out: Some of them are interesting but most of them are generally not. A summary here: Eurogamer Reader’s Top 50 games: Eurogamer currently runs the Editor’s Top 50 games of the year, which … Continue reading

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Over the Christmas days, I read that the last (US) VHS supplier bailed out from selling VHS tapes and if I believe The Register, this effectively means that VHS (Wikipedia article) is no more. VHS literally became a standard after … Continue reading

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Special, uh, Bulletin

A week ago, there was a discussion on Metafilter about the 25th anniversary of the release of the (TV movie) ‘The Day After’. In the comments section, you can find several links to full versions of several movies related to … Continue reading

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In Reverse

I thought this article (‘Learning the iTunesDB file format’) was an excellent background on the principles of reverse-engineering existing binary file-formats. I’ve done some ‘clean room’ reverse-engineering too and at the end of the project, I was able to extract … Continue reading

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