Category Archives: Hyperlinks

Lolwhut, civilization?

I think I’ve mentioned this earlier that I find the latest Civ 4 add-ons hardly playable and enjoyable: Beyond the Sword is one of the main culprits. The balance of the game seem to have tipped more towards combat, and … Continue reading

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Jupiter and so

I read this the day before yesterday: apparently, Jupiter has lost one of it’s bands (National Geographic on this) within the last couple of months (or even year). If you’re curious if this will have any impact on our Earthly … Continue reading

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Welcome to the internets

I read Something Awful’s ‘Deadly Premonition’ review the other day: many other gaming review sites have called this game ‘horrible’ to ‘outrageously bad’ (see Metacritic). Obviously, the makers of the game (age check required) were Twin Peaks fans, as some … Continue reading

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Roll up the rim, anno 2010

It’s another year of trying to win a single donut and I bet you are about to run to the local Tim Hortons to put the statistics into practice. Hold on a second: At xsamplex, we’ll get you the numbers, … Continue reading

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Not so Olympic

In a couple of days, the 2010 Winter Olympic games will start: this year, Vancouver, BC, Canada will host the games. If you’re into this, the full schedule is of course readily available online. Which reminds me that a couple … Continue reading

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I suspect that Google Wave is going public really soon now. I signed up for Wave a couple of months ago but got an invitation via Alfons. Just a couple of hours ago, I received my official invitation. How about … Continue reading

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So, with Autumn slowly taking care of the leafs of the trees on our property, the spiders disappearing one by one, a couple of thoughts from computers to the personal stuff: I like Autumn. In our younger years, our teachers … Continue reading

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In Full Force

A couple of days ago I ran into a blog post called ‘Soviet Global Invasion Routes’, which has a collection of 80s maps showing the expected Soviet attack routes over the various continents (hyperlinks: West Europe, East Asia, and the … Continue reading

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We lost our faithful companion last Wednesday: Katy the Wunderdog was put down and life got a lot quieter around the house. If she had lasted a couple of weeks, she would have been 18 which is an excellent age … Continue reading

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Been fairly busy and still am, which means that I’ve only got a bunch of left-over links I ran into the last couple weeks: The June 2009 SA has a story about the evolution of the Housecattus Domesticus Abnormalis, or … Continue reading

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The light

A couple of days ago, I was thinking of mankind’s efforts to make an invisible cloak: I’m not sure why I came up to that subject, but, at one time, I remember trying to explain someone what light is and … Continue reading

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The Fighting Windmills Squadron

News outlet AFP reported that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has accused the Netherlands of plotting to overthrow the Iranian government. The Dutch [project] aimed to encourage sexual and moral deviation in society I’d like to hear what kind of moral … Continue reading

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Green as grass

Grass has this amazing ability to survive the most bizarre weather conditions: the yellow (but slowly turning green) grass patches on the (still) frozen ground in our yard are a testament of the species’ resilience. I find it a kind … Continue reading

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