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Tag Archives: Ubuntu
Ubuntu 13.04
Last week, I triggered the apt-distupgrade on both my Ubuntu laptops which effectively downloaded Ubuntu 13.04 (“Raring Ringtail”) to these machines. This was actually sort of unexpected as I haven’t been really following Ubuntu’s latest efforts. I’m aware of Canonical’s … Continue reading
SXSW 2013 music part 1
A week ago, I noticed that the Unofficial SXSW torrent site had started to distribute music for some of the major SXSW acts this year (site). Once again there are two torrents involved here: part 1 is the big 6 … Continue reading
Unity dialogs wars
Something that reminded me of the issues regarding Unity new ‘touch-based devices desktop paradigm’ that I noticed earlier, which I was going to mention in the previous posting: When you copy (cut/move) a large set of files, Nautilus will show … Continue reading
Madness du Systeme Linuxi
The previous posting was actually supposed to be detailing the conversion of my DV-5 to Linux, a process that I have done so many times that I can do this with my eyes closed. Sort of. It took a bit … Continue reading
A slight return to Postgres
Years ago, I used to set up postgres on Debian servers. For a couple of test, I had to install Postgres somewhere: Installing on Windows is generally a breeze, but not needing the third-party tools, I decided to go back … Continue reading
Posted in Ordinateurs, Programming
Tagged Linux, Postgres, Ubuntu
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Gnome 3 and Oneiric Ocelot
To my surprise, I saw that Ubuntu’s “Oneiric Ocelot” was released, which I decided to let go through via Ubuntu’s Update manager. I ended up double surprised when I found out that, from version 11.10 and on, only the Unity … Continue reading
Posted in Ordinateurs, Ubuntu
Tagged Gnome 3, Ubuntu, Unity
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Out and In
A glorious moment: Today I’m finally retiring my 2004/2005 Centrino laptop: it was initially my work laptop in a previous work life and was eventually passed on to me with the permission of management of said employer. It has served … Continue reading
You asked: Kubuntu or Ubuntu
Just yesterday, Canonical released one of the most important Ubuntu versions of its history: “Natty Narwhal”. The most famous Linux based desktop officially did away with the Gnome shell and replaced it with the Gnome based Unity shell (wikipedia to … Continue reading
You asked: KDE or Gnome?
I work in both environments: that is, whenever I think there’s a need for working in KDE or Gnome, I just logout and change session (I have both window managers installed). But that wouldn’t really answer the question, I guess. … Continue reading
Notepad Haiku
Aghast. Is there no notepad on my Ubuntu? Wine to the rescue. Obviously, a lot of people helped in getting Notepad to run under Wine.
You can
There is nothing as glorious as opening up a terminal session on my spare Ubuntu laptop and log right into my server. That is, without downloading either Putty or a host of other MingW/Cygwin utilities on Windows. You guessed it: … Continue reading
So, with Autumn slowly taking care of the leafs of the trees on our property, the spiders disappearing one by one, a couple of thoughts from computers to the personal stuff: I like Autumn. In our younger years, our teachers … Continue reading
Other than that
On Windows, I’ve been solely using Google’s Chrome browser, leaving my Firefox copy at bay: Firefox only gets into action if I need to confirm that Chrome’s cache-loading-stuff has gone amuck again. Yesterday, for example we suddenly lost connection to … Continue reading
Posted in Ordinateurs
Tagged computers, Ubuntu, Web Browsers, Windows Vista
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