Category Archives: Truro NS

So, -snow

I just peeked out the window and saw that it was snowing alright again. It has been going on and off all day, actually. It appeared to be worse yesterday, basically because of the sudden drop of temperature in the … Continue reading

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Raise the rafters

What do you mean by that? There were troubles at Dreamhost, which you may have noticed yesterday: apparently the MySQL server went down. If the host’s MySQL goes down, xsamplex goes down the tube too. We’ll be bunkering down the … Continue reading

Posted in Truro NS | 1 Comment

Assorted thoughts (III)

My last installment of thoughts about my forth-and-back travels a week ago (earlier musings): The grass was magnificent green in The Netherlands, which took me by surprise. Frost had not arrived yet. Canadians should take over the idea of garbage … Continue reading

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Assorted thoughts (II)

More random picks from the grey matter cabinet (earlier picks): Great Britain is culturally more diverse than The Netherlands. However, for some kind of reason, all British people love going to The Netherlands, or rather, Amsterdam. Much to my surprise, … Continue reading

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Assorted thoughts

Some (not so related) thoughts from the last couple of days: There are a lot of people around with Toshiba laptops, particularly ones coming from North America. On my flight back home, I saw at least one lady use the … Continue reading

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That’s the sound of jet-lag. I arrived back home a couple of days ago after spending the traditional hours of running up and down stairs at Heathrow airport. There were many security checks, of course, but spending too many minutes … Continue reading

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So yeah.

It looks like it’s going to be a waiting game. If you work in the banking or insurance industry, the following products could be part of your 2007 products and services line-up: Emergency Fly-Over Account: an account your customers can … Continue reading

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All things European

Via Flea, I found out that Dutch peanut butter is the best, or rather, (as this Wikipedia article says): [The Dutch peanut butter] is very different from its international counterpart. It is sharp instead of sweet and most people say … Continue reading

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Dump, snow

Hee. We got snow. It also looks like these were ‘remnants’ of the storm that blanked mid and eastern parts of the US. Or maybe it just grew worser because of cold air hitting warmer air above oceans. You may … Continue reading

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Weather, wise

While talking to my overseas relatives, I briefly brought up the impression that (as we grew older) the weather in The Netherlands got milder too. Yes, I remember driving on the bike through -20 degrees temperatures. Or through snow. I … Continue reading

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Comment -uh- noes

Earlier I turned off comments to the recent posts because of a ‘sapm’ attack on one of the earlier entries. I’m considering closing comments on a more frequent rate than the now (default) 7 days. That said, I may have … Continue reading

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Notably. Really.

We had our first snow today, a whopping 2 cms. or so. It surprised the dog too, yes. Earlier this week, while playing a couple of mp3s I discovered that today’s MP3 players generally don’t work for me. I can’t … Continue reading

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Who you gonna call?

Ghostbusters! We saw both the films (I & II) and liked them both (naturally). While the effects are rather old-fashioned, the Ghostbuster movies still stand the test of time. Earlier this evening, I played a rather unlucky game of Winning … Continue reading

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