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Category Archives: Ubuntu
Four, then II
Observations on KDE 4.1: 1. Everytime I restarted, Kate (the editor) and Kopete kept starting up: I didn’t find any references to these programs in the regular location (.kde4/Autostart), so I did a grep on ps (as in ‘ps -e … Continue reading
Four, then
I decided to give KDE 4.1 a go on my current Ubuntu (Hardy Heron) install: There are many sites around with instructions how to install KDE on your Gnome-enabled installation, so I won’t go in too many details. The idea … Continue reading
So, after the “Ubuntu installation” dust is settling, it’s time to add some ‘candy’ to your desktop. After all, the default Gnome docks look quite boring. – You can look for Themes and that over at Art at Gnome or … Continue reading
Huh. huh?
I was trying to play a QuickTime movie on Ubuntu (“Hardy Heron”, 8.04) and was surprised to find out that Totem (the default Mozilla plug-in for streaming movies) had a (ahem) hard time to play the movie. VLC to the … Continue reading
Them links
Via Suzanne Vega’s site, I found out that she nowadays (also) blogs for the New York Time’s ‘Measure for Measure’ periodical. There are other musicians writing for that very same blog: the only (other) familiar author is Roseanne Cash. You’re … Continue reading
More Ubuntu
More annotations on Ubuntu: The installation of MonoDevelop was a no-brainer: I think the .Net runtimes are installed the moment you install Ubuntu. I may port one minor application to Mono, if I have time later this evening. At one … Continue reading
The imminent
The CBC has an article about the prediction that Windows is about to ‘collapse’, because of Microsoft’s inaction towards the marked after the introduction of Windows Vista. Other industry experts say that Microsoft knows it’s Windows days are dwindling, which … Continue reading