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Category Archives: Scientifically
After seeing a picture at Reddit (a biblical person riding a dinosaur) with a long winding comment thread, I found myself looking for statistics about fossil finds. More or less, I’m looking for the answer to the question of “Which … Continue reading
Them links
Via Suzanne Vega’s site, I found out that she nowadays (also) blogs for the New York Time’s ‘Measure for Measure’ periodical. There are other musicians writing for that very same blog: the only (other) familiar author is Roseanne Cash. You’re … Continue reading
Words to watch for
The words (or rather terms) to watch for in the next coming years are: Gravitational Lensing: I’ve mentioned this topic before, and trust me, it’s the most discussed topic in my neighbourhood. Better yet, every morning, I wake up to … Continue reading
Posted in Scientifically
Tagged breakdance, gravity, science, synchrotron
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Aliens uh?
If you’re bored and feel for a challenge this weekend: I watched a couple of videos online that were interesting enought to share. ‘Alien Planet’ (1h:30m) is a documentary about an imaginative human mission to an inhabited planet (“Darwin IV”) … Continue reading
Another one then.
For all: a good new year. At xsamplex, 2008 will be ‘more of the same’: we’ll bring you the bad, the good and (if I can make some more time) more code. You may have already read about this one: … Continue reading
Mars Express
I was reading about ‘the active glacier’, found by the ESA’s Mars Express earlier this week, which led me to look up the Mars Express website. Excellent (and amazing) imagery. My favourite one is the photo of the Cydonia region. … Continue reading
Via MetaFilter: A NASA article about faster than light traveling, space colonization and science fiction. The article is an excellent overview of current propulsion techniques and what we’d need to travel to the nearest habitable planet. If you’re into SF, … Continue reading
I‘m a fan of EurekAlert, a site that provides scientific news and achievements in two-bite snack format. The only problem I have with the site is that the articles are short and (generally) don’t provide appropriate links. Take for example … Continue reading
Coffee, huh
The BBC has an article about how coffee protects female memory: A French research team compared women aged 65 (and older) who drank more than 3 cups of coffee per day with those who only drank one per day. Those … Continue reading
Pray, tell, rain
I read that the Orthodox Church of Cypres has ordered priests to pray for rain on December the 2nd of this year. It appears that this is a routine that has been done before, most recently when a comparable drought … Continue reading
Posted in Scientifically
Tagged antartica, global warming, news, retroviruses, science
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Klaatu barada nikto
When astronauts (or cosmonauts for that matter) from a different country get into a fight, which country’s law does apply? (via Slashdot) According to a 1967 treaty (Outer Space Treaty), states have legal jurisdiction within spacecraft registered (‘owned’) by them, … Continue reading
Posted in Scientifically, We-reflect-news
Tagged astronomy, exoplanets, movies, science
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Oh, yeah
There’s this excellent BBC documentary about Titan (the moon) and Huygens (you may remember the successful Huygens touchdown). If you’re a movie aficionado, pay attention to the music that accompanies many scenes. You may recognize some of them. There’s a … Continue reading
Posted in Ordinateurs, Scientifically
Tagged Huygens, malaria, Postgres, space exploration, Sylpheed, Titan
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