Search Results for: McAfee


Way earlier (must have been last year), I bought and installed McAfee’s on my main computer during the days my dad was over. Precautionary, more or less. When installing the venerable Civ 4, I decided it was time to get … Continue reading

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Come back to. What?

A couple of years ago, I bought McAfee’s anti-virus software package, mainly to give a sense of protection to my laptop, which was going to be used by my dad during his stay-over in Nova Scotia, the Summer of 2005. … Continue reading

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You Lock

I decided to give McAfee’s Online virus scanner (requires IE5 or higher because of ActiveX component) a run only because they have been pretty persistent with their ‘Please, we need your money to survive in this rocky business market of … Continue reading

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Civilization 4 (III)

Playing the second rounds of CivIV, this time trying to stick to a religion and spread it, I ended up founding not 1, not 2, but 3 (three) religions, meaning I was generally ahead of my competitors in Warlord level … Continue reading

Posted in Civilization | 2 Comments

2 hours later…

So McAfee just finished scanning: over 100,000 files, almost 2 hours and 2 restarts later. About these restarts later, but first its catch, because that’s what you’re all curious about: I mean, me, the guy who laughs about the panic … Continue reading

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