A couple of years ago, I bought McAfee’s anti-virus software package, mainly to give a sense of protection to my laptop, which was going to be used by my dad during his stay-over in Nova Scotia, the Summer of 2005. I removed the software a couple of months after he left. Ever since then, McAfee’s has kept me ‘in the loop’ about their latest updates, for no other reason than (of course) trying to sell me their wares.
Just last week, their latest barrage came in, after a couple of month’s of silence and I thought their latest mail was actually questionable but hilarious (see image on the right/above): I mean, that image of a dad and his daughter, that is a bit condescending, as in, “Who’s your daddy”.
Uh. No: but thanks, McAfee. I’ll keep your mailings for now and I can’t wait for your next snugly campaign.