
Way earlier (must have been last year), I bought and installed McAfee’s on my main computer during the days my dad was over. Precautionary, more or less. When installing the venerable Civ 4, I decided it was time to get rid of it. Which still means that I get all the e-mails from McAfee: the ones that tell about new/special deals and that.

Just a day ago, I received a mail that my virus subscription ran out, however, apparently I was subscribed as someone else, since the e-mail address in that mail was apparently not mine. Oh: here it comes, today McAfee’s sent out another mail to apologize for the mix-up, in what appears to have been a mailing directed to others who may have had the same mix-up:

In the past 24 hours, you may have inadvertently received a McAfee(r) service notification regarding the status of your McAfee(r) VirusScan(r) product.

Good news then: my virus subscription did not run out yet, which means that I can keep pretending I run McAfee’s!

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