Today, three cruise ships stopped by in Saint John: the Carnival Victory, the Grandeur and the Maasdam.
I didn’t have time to try to get all three of them on one photo (I only had the 80mm on me) and my goal was just to make a snapshot of the HAL logo: The reason being family history I guess, (previously on xsamplex), or one might say, for sentimental reasons only. I noticed that there was a tighter security detail than a couple of weeks before: At that time, I was able to get a closer look at the ‘Grandeur of the Seas’ by walking right up to the ship’s bow via the parking lot at Pugsley A. Today, the parking lot was closed off and watched by two security guards, probably from Customs Canada.
The next HAL ship is slated to arrive September 4th (The Eurodam). As you can tell from the Saint John Cruiseship schedule, the Victory is here almost once a week. From what I understand, the most anticipated ship at this moment is coming in on September 20th: the Queen Elizabeth 2 enter Saint John port and will dock at Pugsley A.