While working on billing software, I was planning to write something on visual inheritance in Visual Studio Express (C#): this feature is ‘amiss’ in the lower end versions of that programming environment. I decided not to because the concept is simple (and natural for all object-orientated languages). I like the way how it is implemented in Delphi, naturally, where all forms that work as your base class are stored in a central repository so that they can be reused for other applications as well.
Earlier we saw ‘Babel’ (2006), which I can only describe as ‘a complex story with a happy end’. I thought the end part was surprising, were the viewer finds out that that single phone actually happens in the past. The movie is rated R (nudity, violence and some drug use) by the MPAA.
I read that the bald eagle is soaring in the US. I’m not sure if I mentioned it here before, but there’s a pair of bald eagles living around Middle Stewiacke. I thought this was ironic (More on bald eagles in Nova Scotia).
And last but not least, I ran into one of those ‘ErrorSafe’ popups (it wasn’t stopped by FireFox). If you run across it, the (general) advice is to pull the plug of your ethernet before it starts downloading. In my case it didn’t make the download but if it did, Symantec has a page describing how to remove the program manually. (ErrorSafe was sighted around about.com). I used fandro to verify recently changed or created files.