You may have noticed that version 4.0 of Movable Type has been officially ‘open sourced’ (at Digg). I prefer the rather more correct ‘Movable Type has been relicensed under a less restrictive (or more restrictiver, whichever you fancy) license’. After all, the MT package has always included the code.
Does MT still matter these days? They do but not as much after that famous ‘relicensing’ hot-discussed event in 2004. A lot of people have moved to WordPress since that: however, I thought the generation of static pages was one of the plus-sides.
To .Net then: if you use the ToolTip class and create instances dynamically you may have noticed that the class showcases a design paradox: if you don’t dispose these instances after you’ve finished using them, you’ll end up with (what Microsoft calls) a ‘managed resource leak’ (obviously, there is a limitation of GDI objects a program can create. My favourite part is ‘There is a theoretical limit of 65,536 GDI handles per session’). However, a timed ToolTip (the type that disappears ‘magically’) obviously has ‘visibility’ issues when being disposed too soon (it will never pop-up). So, the questions is: When do these tooltips need to be disposed then? It looks like that’s a paradox unless you drop them in your project at design-time.