
For something completely unrelated, I decided to check into my older Delphi code and noticed the ‘remnants’ of the code that actually started as a framework for a (basic) Spades1 card game. So hey: the code was actually so readable that most of it was easily turned into a C# version (that is minus the bidding code).

The fun part of it all was the ease of sorting in C#. Actually, you still need to write code to get that going, but compared to the things I needed to get a hand sorted in Delphi, that can be a different story (it’s actually not too bad either if you use regular TLists and that):

First of all make your base object descend from the IComparable class. This means, you’ll have to add a CompareTo method to your base object

 public class TCard : IComparable
        private TFaceValue ffacevalue;
        private bool ffaceup = false;
        private TSuit fsuit;
        // Code removed for brevity reasons...

        public int CalcValue
            get { return NumericValue(); }

        public int CompareTo(TCard acard)
            return this.CalcValue.CompareTo(acard.CalcValue);

Then create a class based on IComparer:

    public class THandComparer : IComparer
        private TSortOptions fsort = TSortOptions.Ascending;

        public TSortOptions SortOption
            get { return fsort; }
            set { fsort = value; }

        public int Compare(TCard x, TCard y)
            if (fsort == TSortOptions.Ascending)
                return x.CompareTo(y);
                return y.CompareTo(x);

I decided to give the player an option to sort the cards descending or ascending based on the combination of suit and card value: Notice that for descending order, you literally just switch the objects (the base CompareTo method returns -1, 0 or 1!)

And then in the THand Class:

        // [....]
        public void Sort()
            THandComparer fcomparer = new THandComparer();
            fcomparer.SortOption = forder;


What rest are the drawing procedures, the card faces (I should have a couple of sets somewhere on my source backup disks) and the bidding engine.

1 I find it amazing that Pagat once again serves as a reference for card games, just like it used to do back in 2000.

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