Category Archives: Truro NS


With Halloween around the corner, businesses have been focussing on pumpkins and other harvest and Fall related items and products. There’s a local restaurant that still serves home-made1 (seasonal) cheesecake: in this case pumpkin cheesecake pies, which apparently are of … Continue reading

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Poison Ivy

The other day I was watching at our backyard and noticed that the Poison Ivy has started the Fall process, as its leaves have started colouring in that distinctive reddish colour. Amazing pretty for a poisonous plant. It’s also the … Continue reading

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While I can’t stand telemarketeers, the worst kind of telemarketing types are the ‘automated ones’: you know the one that starts with telling you ‘how sorry they are calling at this inconvenient time’ and then tell you to ‘press 1 … Continue reading

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Food for thought

A week ago, I made ‘boerenkool’. I discussed Boerenkool a long while ago too, when a prepared the same meal for our guest from Holland. My wife actually wanted me to make it since it was that long ago, so … Continue reading

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When it’s Sunday

If you’ve followed local news, you may have heard about the Sunday Shopping battle between the major grocery chains (‘Sobeys’ and ‘SuperStore’)1 and the provincial government. Currently, only stores that have less than 4,000 square feet of retail space are … Continue reading

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Tasting Seroendeng today (after too many years, so many that I at first had no idea what it was supposed to be), I concluded that Indonesian food is solidly founded in spices like cumin, coriander and ‘santen’. Grated coconut. Hallelujah. … Continue reading

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For the first time in 6 or 7 years, I had a taste of Atjar Tjampoer (‘pickled salad’). Funny thing is that I never even thought of scooping some bits when I was in Holland, 2 years ago. A couple … Continue reading

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And Titan begat Callisto

Reformatting and reinstalling XP on a Toshiba (“Titan”) A40 was actually easier than expected: Back-up data. Reset computer to boot from CD-drive first (Reminder: the default is set to ‘HDD’). On your Toshiba laptop, just start the ConfigFree application and … Continue reading

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Earlier today, tropical storm ‘Beryl’ brought some relief (or rather, a lot of rain) to our part of the world: the last couple of days (week probably) it was muggy and hot with temperatures around the 25 and higher. Probably … Continue reading

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Earlier, I uploaded a newer Fandro version, a version that finally fixes the ‘CaseInsensitiveSensitive’ problems. I actually had to dive back in the code and at the end I needed to make a couple of changes to the program’s internal … Continue reading

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This week in short

Surreal. Objects really look closer in mirror, particularly if they drive fast, zoom past to come at a standstill after hitting a pole. Add to that in front of the place you live in. On a serious note, I’ve been … Continue reading

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Adventures on the Wheels

A couple of unrelated remarks: We saw Terry Gilliams‘The Grimm Brothers’ this weekend, which I summarized and described to my egaa as ‘remarkably painful to watch’. The premise (‘Let Brothers Grimm experience their tales themselves’) is good and brilliant: the … Continue reading

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Somebody plug my harddrive

My harddrive is ‘leaking’1. Earlier, I noticed that I had only 100 MB left, after which I decided to clear off some of the not so important files like a movie that happened to end on my PC after I … Continue reading

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