Good news: We’ve transformed our home into an Almost Imperial free zone. With the latest purchase of a kitchen scale (not related to Christmas), we’ve made our kitchen (and pets) into a genuine 21st century home. In with those grams.
That said, I’d like to remind fellow Imperial cooks of the following:
1000 cubic centimeters of water = 1 liter = 1 kg.
OK, so it’s almost the end of 2005, and everybody and their dog is summarizing this year, right? Google? Check. MSN? Check. Yahoo! Check. Wikipedia. Uh, half check. BBC news. Yay! You get the gist.
I’ve seen only 2 episodes of ‘Cornergas’ and I’ve no idea yet what to think of it. It’s not overly funny but then, maybe I just don’t get the humour. But hey, at least you can download free signed pictures of your favourite cast.