We weather the weather

Coming back from work I noticed how nice it actually was outside. It’s sunny and it feels like Spring. Except for that the weather forecasts tell a different story: it was supposed to be way colder this weekend (compared to the last days extremely mild temperatures), starting today.

The funny thing is, I think the weather forecasts forgot about the ‘sun factor’ (as opposed to ‘wind chill factor’). Here comes the Sun!

Unrelated: Earlier this week I managed to get a copy of the PC version of Ghost Recon Gold Edition, as found in the cheapie-bin for 20 dollars or less. It’s a bit like the Rainbow Six games, with the exception that the player has a lot more freedom to roam around. One thing I noted: it’s so linear. You go from mission to mission. You fail, you lose. You win, you go to the next mission. There’s only 15 of them.

Which reminds me of how Wing Commander used to have its node-like win-fail scenario. Not perfect, but it would do perfectly for games like Ghost Recon.

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