I briefly mentioned this in the previous posting that I bought myself an Android tablet, which review is pending… I hope. Thanks to this tablet, I’ve actually re-kindled (no really, considering I use the Android Kindle app) my love for reading books. I think the current score of books I finish in a week is four.
This reminds me when I was younger and introduced to the library by parents and siblings: I (and my twin sibling) literally swallowed (or ate so you will) books and eventually we were reminded by others what the point was visit to the (local) library branch on a daily basis. This amused our parents who laughed about this and mockingly called the library our ‘second home’.
There are couple of ‘library events’ that stand firmly in the back of my mind: the first one was the day we as (children) decided to try to walk out with books that were marked as ‘more adult’ (age 12 and higher). We were bored to tears reading the kids books but the librarian on duty caught us red-handed.
The second event was our entrance in the city’s Central Library: it was so large, and there were so many books to pick from. I mostly read a mix of SF/Fantasy, Thrillers and literature: compared to the little local library, the Central Library was a place in heaven, with places to roam about and quietly sit down.
I might add, that this Central Library had plenty of programming books around and (unsurprisingly) would fuel our search for programming subjects.