Yesterday, I saw a drunk man hailing a cab. Eventually, he ran towards the other side of the road trying to get his two pals who were also drunk. One of them fell to the ground while trying to walk over to the cab. The last thing I saw was a crowd gathering around the men and a cab driver shrugging, too perplexed what to do about it.
A couple of days before that, a bunch of kids were walking around downtown in fancy suits and pretty dresses. Apparently, this was part of a graduation ceremony, which obviously was different from the one I attended last week.
There are giant ants swarming around the area where we buried our dog. We recently bought 5 bags of soil at a local building supplies store, which we all emptied around that spot in the woods. I tend to believe this soil was probably infested with these ants. Maybe the soil originated from a place in South America. Make that China.
And: it’s totally true that New Brunswickers only start talking to you after you’ve settled in for a year.