So, yesterday, I noticed that the WordPress download site was already seeded with the new 2.7 version, while the official blog was still yawning about the RC2 of that version. For no particular reason I decided to deploy it. I’m proud to announce that AHCommentCentral still works as promises, although (thanks to the different styles used in the Settings screens), it looks a kind of boring. I thought the ‘zebra-ed’ row look, was a lot more interesting.
The UI is an improvement: it does remind me of NucleusCMS at times. The graphics, and particular the colour scheme seem to be taken from that other software I used a long while ago. There was never a real reason to move to WordPress, except that at one time (a long time ago), when Alfons hosted this on Doubtful, MovableType became less of an option.
And if time will serve me right, I might even look into updating AHCommentCentral. Who knows.
Oh. Yeah: with a new WordPress, I thought it was also time to move on from Varchar, the other theme heavily based on the excellent PlainText theme (screenshot) by Scott Wallick. I thought Simplish looked excellent on mobile devices like the iPod Touch and even on your regular wide-screen monitor for your Windows, Linux and Mac freaks. Have fun and on for the 6th year. If you’re curious about the previous layouts: 2003 (a customized MovableType theme (handcrafted: look at that 2 column section), 2004, 2005(last year Doubtful-hosted), 2005 (self-hosted) (Theme: GreyAll), 2006 (PlainText-modified) and 2007 (Varchar, heavily based on PlainText).
Update 1: Some minor cleanup in the categories section.
Update 2: I see that WP 2.7 now supports automatically closing of posts. This was a feature I was planning for AHCommentCentral but which I decided against to because I didn’t see a use for it.