I ran into a couple of surprises this week: First, I noticed that Mozilla now has their own video outlet/pod cast, Air Mozilla (Requires Flash 9). The video cast is spearheaded by Asa Dotzler. Older footage can be found at YouTube, at the Air Mozilla channel (warning, it appears that the YouTube channel is not really up-to-date, but it does have footage of interviews with the Chief Mozilla Wrangler, Mitchell Baker).
Also, much to my surprise, I found out that MTV apparently has a multiplayer blog, which brings you everything from ‘Halo 3 to Desktop Tower Defense’. I generally don’t read these kind of gaming blogs (for obvious reasons).
This reminds me that I ended up at that MTV blog via this Joystiq posting (‘Do you want a Portal 2?’): However, the posting there doesn’t really link to MTV’s blog. I guess it’s either hard to create hyperlinks to 3rd party sites or that hyperlinking isn’t usual anymore.