Strings and Skies

There’s an old Strings and uh… Dutch Polish Swedish British Belgian Luxemburg Czech Hungarian San Marino 18th century saying which explains the correlation between full moon and cold weather: “Clear Skies, Invalid Memory Writes”.

OK. Skip the European geography introduction in the first paragraph: it was cold yesterday (and last night). I managed to get out and buy a cardreader (“Sandisk Extreme USB 2.0 Reader”), for which the local store charged me 35 dollars (pre-tax). Maybe it was so expensive because mine didn’t include the ‘soft pouch’ that Sandisk claims to have included. But I don’t want to sound too cranky: I support the local economy, I guess.

I swept by the (local) music store too, to buy some new strings for The Guitar. Let it be known: I love putting on strings on a guitar, that is, preferably, without the presence of a cat. There’s no reason for a cat to chase (and jump) after guitar strings. After I dealt with the cat, I managed to get to the fun part of having new strings on a guitar: Retuning. If you play guitar a lot, the first string to tune is the low E string (which you can do by ear) and then use the “1/3 tuning method” to tune the other strings.

The only thing I now need to take care of is to tie and cut the ends of the strings so that I don’t poke my (or the cat’s) eyes out while I play.

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