Via the BBC I discovered that DaVinci’s ‘Last Supper’ has been digitized and posted to the Internet (actual site). According to the article, the produced image is about 1600 times detailed than a photo from an average DSLR: what can you say of a 16 bn pixel image. Wait I know: can you compress it? The actual site (see earlier link) is hard to get by today (sluggish, rather) but is worth a visit.
Argentina is about to choose a female president: As it looks like right now, the next president is going to be the wife of the current president, mrs. Cristina Fernarndez de Kirchner. There’s a comment from a BBC reader (a certain Brian from NY, USA) that made me laugh out loud:
The husband wife political swap reeks of corruption and nepotism
How about Polish evil twins?
The Dalai Lama has started his visit to Canada. The Buddhist leader addressed a (sold-out!) crowd of 8,000 people at the Ottawa Civic Center. Later this week, the Dalai Lama will meet with Stephen Harper. Also fom the CBC some excellent analysis on this visit.