Today was a tiresome day, which I obviously blame on both weather (rainy and warm == muggy) and the apparent after-effects of the scope. At some points it felt like I was trying to catch up with the world and another world, but luckily I ended up half-asleep somewhere in the north, west, east and south of Nova Scotia. Zzzz.
Fair enough: A thing I was reminded of the other day was, when someone asked me what the ‘acronym’ was behind my first name, which happens to appear on every official document I carry around. I won’t tell you.
If there was an ‘eei-iii-ther and eeether’ camp, which camp would you belong to? Apparently I belong to the correct camp, which is the one that says ‘eeeeiiither’ and ‘neeeiiiither’ and not ‘eeeether and neeeether’. While I’m neither British or Canadian, I guess, neither either nor either is either wrong. Right. Something like that.
Note to my twin brother: we have unanimously decided to move your birthday to December 25th because it causes too much confusion. Sorry 1.
1Small print: we won’t move dates if suspect plans to quit smoking. All other disclaimers apply.
Just great! Especially because I coined the idea of quitting smoking on my birthday.
Especially because I coined the idea of quitting smoking on my birthday.
Hey, no matter what: soon the ban-smoking-in-public-places movement will make it to Holland too…
Hallo Arthur/Alfons
Zijn jullie de broers arthur en alphons ooit uit Deventer van de Paltvoetschool?
Stuur me dan ff een mailtje als je wil….
sorry alphons, dat moet dus alfons zijn…