Red Green

While I’ve slowly mastered the humour in Canadian Air Farce (according to Citizen and Imigration Canada, it takes the average foreigner over 4 to 5 years to understand Canadian humour [more on that later, I hope]), I cannot grasp The Red Green Show‘s funnies and jokes. Let me say it like this: even Dutch jokes are funnier (Quote from Al Franken):

You can have freedom without jokes, as has been proven by the Dutch and the Swiss.

So, today I heard that today will also mark the start of the final season of the Red Green Show and for a moment I thought about Flemish fries and Dutch mayonaise.

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2 Responses to Red Green

  1. David Janes says:

    You are not alone.

    Better place to start for Canadian humor: Kids in the Hall.

  2. Arthur says:

    Canadian humor: Kids in the Hall.

    Never heard of them before: looks like they were on TV way before I entered the country. I’ve seen ‘Cornergas’ (which I find a bit to dry for comedy).

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