Category Archives: Provincial-Scotia

Sliced bread: meet sliced apples

The best thing since sliced bread? Why, sliced apples of course. Scotian Gold, a co-op owned by Valley apple farmers (website), supplies fresh-sliced apples in a snack-size bag. The co-op has been thinking about the idea for some time, but … Continue reading

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US and Canadian lumber industry end dispute

It looks like that the softwood dispute between the US and Canada will end soon: US producers have agreed to terms proposed by Canadian negotiators (earlier). According to sources close to the Globe, the deal hammered out today gives lumber … Continue reading

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Lindows: moving up north?

Informative and surprising article at Globe and Mail’s suggesting that Lindows is making ways in Nova Scotia. Apparently four Regional Community Access Program Centres have deployed Lindows workstations for Internet access. The company itself has opened a regional office in … Continue reading

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Sunday shopping

Believe it or not: Nova Scotias first Sunday shoppingday was a success. The Herald reports that everyone was generally excited about the idea of this Christmas specific event. Nova Scotia is the only province that doesn’t allow year-round Sunday shopping. … Continue reading

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Softwood dispute closer to deal?

The Globe and Mail reports that Canadian negotiators are willing to give up some ground and move some of their demands closer to the hard-line US softwood lobby. The Canadian counter-offer proposes that Canadian softwood shipments be allowed to enter … Continue reading

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Frozen donuts

After the introduction of steeped tea, Atlantic Canada can brace itself for another surprise: pre-baked donuts at Tim Horton’s. Currently only stores in Atlantic Canada and BC bake their donuts fresh and as it looks now, the customers threaten to … Continue reading

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Couple slain II

The Halifax Herald continues the search for answers regarding the killing of a Netherlands resident and the Cape Breton woman. According the paper, the woman had intentions to move to The Netherlands, possibly taking her kids. Also surprising is that … Continue reading

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Couple slain

Last night this got coverage from local ATV: a couple was killed last Sunday night. A Cape Breton woman (Port Morien) and her Dutch internet friend were shot to death by the woman’s estranged husband. Weird: it’s not mentioned in … Continue reading

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NS Power

The Nova Scotian Utility and Review Board has given Nova Scotia Power two weeks to file a report about its handling in the aftermath of Hurricane Juan (earlier and more earlier). The Board says that public deserves a review of … Continue reading

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Juan *did* visit Truro

Juan did visit Truro, and as a result Arthur and Gayle still have no power. That’s why this blog is quieter than usual. Arthur will be back. Posted by alfons.

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Canadian idol

I wasn’t planning to mention this, but since it’s on Canadian TV repeatedly, the final for Canadian Idol will be on tonight. I’ll be the first one to say that I haven’t followed the complete show, basically because I’m not … Continue reading

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Atlantic Film Festival 2003

The 23rd Atlantic Film Festival has started. Last year I noted that they had problems with their website, but this year it looks all fine to me. Well. Except for the use of that blinking text. And it shows in … Continue reading

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The International Air Transport Association says that passengers are discriminated in Canada: a recent report notices that flyers to and from Canada pay $24 extra for a return flight, while the domestic ones only pay 14 dollars. The international organization … Continue reading

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