Couple slain II

The Halifax Herald continues the search for answers regarding the killing of a Netherlands resident and the Cape Breton woman. According the paper, the woman had intentions to move to The Netherlands, possibly taking her kids. Also surprising is that the Herald apparently talked to a Dutch reporter from De Telegraaf (The most unfavourite newspaper in The Netherlands): Once again, I wasn’t able to locate their item on their webpage. First of all it’s too colourful (Dutch alert and: ouch, my head. The colours. The colours). Secondly, they don’t provide a search option. Other papers (like De Volkskrant and Trouw) only provide this option after registration. Evil!

So back to on-line news sites, and apparently only Nu.NL has an item. Watch how carefully they try not to mention any names. By now, of course, the family of the Dutchman should have already been contacted by Canadian authorities, but it’s still not appropriate (for Dutch papers) to mention his name at this stage (well, the Telegraaf already mentioned it, but they hardly qualify as a newspaper <g>). Oh well.

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