We decided to look around for a printer to replace our ancient IBM 4010/19. Being from an older time, this laser printer worked perfectly for printing text en masse, but failed frequently when processing graphics. Since our (old) flatbed scanner didn’t appear to have drivers available for Windows XP, it was obviously clear to get one of those multi-functional printers. Inkjet or laser.
We almost bought the Canon PIXMA 750, that was until my wife wondered what the point was of printing photos. The other question was, how long do these ink-cartridges last anyways? Having bad experiences with inkjets before (Lexmark and Canon), we ended up with the Canon MF 5730: it was on sale too, plus, with tax time coming (which means the printing of plenty of text), it made more sense to have a B/W laser printer.
Without going to deep into review-mode, a couple of sidenotes: printing is as expected, it’s fast and does pretty well with graphics. The scanner is intermediate: it’ll do the job, but my first impression is that this is the part Canon saved money on. However, the part that attracted me the most is the the copier: for some kind of reason, copying on this Canon feels like a genuine copier. You know the stuffy ones you normally find in libraries, the ones you throw that extra quarter in just to catch that scent of ozone. The ones that you have to adjust, just to get the perfect copy on paper. That’s exactly what this Canon is all about. And that Automatic Document Feeder, it’s brilliant.
If I had only papers to copy.
Update: It’s a kind of amazing that these things have become part of a normal household, meaning that they’re pretty affordable nowadays.