Managed to compile Regnessem, that is, a couple of hours ago. Compiling isn’t too much of a job: the original directory structure within the tarball (which I hope is the latest version of the program) has been setup nice and clean. A couple of things you need to know: leave the structure as it is but do create a Test/Plugin folder within the main ‘regnessem’ folder. When you compile the plugins, they all want to go in there.
First: import (or create a unit) out of the mshtml.tlb and Shelldocvw.dll. Leave the units in the folder as suggested (generally this will be your Imports folder). Note that the mshtml unit/library will be huge. When this is done, prepare for the worst part: the nsmsg components, that is if you have the sources of the components of the Exodus Jabber client installed. Both Exodus and Regnessem have a component called TExRichEdit and guess what: they’re not the same. If both branch owners are watching, one of them should start renaming the components: in my case I decided to rename Regnessem’s TExRichEdit to TExRegRichEdit, plus every occurrence in the sourcecode where that component is used. If I remember correctly, there should be 7 – 8 files: I used Fandro to look them up (eventually uncovering a minor bug in the search program itself).
After compiling and installing the components in your IDE, you can compile all the plugins plus build the nsmessg executable. If everything has compiled correctly, you can actually run the program but most likely, you get something that looks like the image above (or next). No skin and no language file! Get the latest release from the project site and copy the skins and language files to the right directory and enjoy. The Aqua skin and Default skin work pretty good.
Interesting stuff happening in the code too: basically the userinterface itself (the one shown above) is a plugin itself too. Better yet, the protocol portions are plugins themselves too. The main code, basically contains calls to the SimpleUI DLL plus the available DLLs/plugins. Some of them you can find in the Plugin library (I stumbled upon that library after doing a thorough search on Google). There.