Rings and snafus

We watched both the Rings movies last night. We had seen ‘The Ring’ in the theatre before but decided to get and watch both of them. The ‘Ring 2’ does not even come close to its predecessor.

First of all, there are so many goof-ups that the one we discovered weren’t in the extensive list on IMDB. The goof at and after the deer incident was the part that signalled that the worst was yet to come: watch the driver’s window after the first attack.

As for ‘symbolism’ used in the movie: while the producers appear to praise this part, I find the ‘symbolism’ highly incoherent. It’s like if somebody has seen Twin Peaks and thought it was neat to drop in a couple of burning trees, deer and water all in a random order. The result is an unsettling movie: unsettling as in ‘bad’.

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11 Responses to Rings and snafus

  1. alfons hoogervorst says:

    A co-worker told us that of the original series only the even numbered ones are okay.

  2. alfons hoogervorst says:

    In your face.

    Edited by the editor.

  3. alfons hoogervorst says:


    Editor says: Og awsh oyur omuth.

  4. alfons hoogervorst says:


  5. alfons hoogervorst says:


  6. Arthur says:


    Listen, I know I forgot your birthday. As a twin, to a twin, I accept my responsibilities and I apologize for that matter. It was my fault that I forgot our birthday: But you don’t have to punish the others on the Internets?

  7. alfons hoogervorst says:

    Hmm, actually I forget all birthdays. Mom (may she rest in peace) used to remind us of most of them.
    Anyway, happy belated xxth (4th) anniversary of your marriage.

  8. Arthur says:

    Hmm, actually I forget all birthdays. Mom (may she rest in peace used to remind us of most of them.
    Anyway, happy belated xxth (4th) anniversary of your marriage.

    (it’s the 5th…)

  9. alfons hoogervorst says:

    5th? Was it in 2000? I thought it was in 2001!

  10. alfons hoogervorst says:

    Geez, what did time to us? 42?

  11. Arthur says:

    Geez, what did time to us? 42?

    Not so fast.

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