Nowadays, I check the weather on the iPod Touch using an app made by the WeatherChannel: besides forecasting the weather it also prominently features an advertisement for the Chevrolet Aveo. I find that a kind of funny, considering the crisis the US automakers are ‘weathering’ today.
But yes, what can I say about the weather besides that when earlier mentioned WeatherChannel iPod Touch Application prominently shows a red banner that reads ‘WEATHER WARNING SNOW AND DRIFTS WITH BLOWING SNOW LOLS OMGZZZZ’ it is probably going to be a bad hair-day (CBC report 1 and CBC report 2). Earlier this morning, I was not able to open the deck door so I had to find an escape route, walked around the house through knee deep snowbanks to pick up my snow shovels. Both of course were ‘conveniently’ stored in or around the backyard, which was already covered by a snow blanket as high as the Saturn V rocket. Note to self and tip to other snow lovers: if you have 2 or more shovels, you probably don’t want to keep or store them together. Digging out a path through the snow on the deck wasn’t the hardest part though: I had a harder time walking out of the driveway because of the mix of heavy snow and ice thrown back into our yard by the snowplows. I feel sorry for the people who have to clean up the sidewalks, though: when I was walking back home, our street’s sidewalk was still buried under a thick pack of ice (50 cms or so). This brought me up to the following idea for the EA video game studios in Canada: How come we still don’t have a ‘sidewalk snow clearing’ game?
Looking back, this was probably the second worst snowstorm I have seen during my stay over here. What makes it worst is that, what, it’s the 4th snow storm of the year and it’s only December. And I thought Truro, Nova Scotia was bad.
That doesn’t look too bad. Also, the forecasts predict fluctuating temperatures, even over 0 degrees this week.
You know:
• My iPhone can’t lie;
• If it’s on the Internet it must be true;
Wait until you have to dig yourself out… And no, I could not use the Baron Von Munchausen trick on myself because the snow was so deep I couldn’t see my shoes.
Lies, damn lies and Ipods
Oh, please tell your pals in the games industry to come up with a ‘Sidewalk Snow clearing’ game.