
While playing Manhunt I noticed the same things that hamper the playability of other games for platforms like the XBOX: graphically these games are miracles but in terms of storyline most of them suck. Add to that, that Manhunt is most likely popular (or infamous) because of the gore in the game itself.

So what are the games I enjoy playing? It’s FIFA Soccer 2005 (the PC version). Sure, the game has lots of areas where it needs improvements (offsides, strategy and position play of AI), but it’s the only game I still play often. There goes nothing above, ‘kicking the ball’ for three games and then dive back into the coding.

Ed. Link fixed.

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2 Responses to Games

  1. alfons says:

    Link is broken. Try this one.
    You better next time read reviews first, before buying games.

  2. Arthur says:

    You better next time read reviews first, before buying games.

    This one was in the cheapy bin, a couple of months ago. I never had time to play it before… until now.

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