Maybe it’s too early to call it a day (Weather Canada issued snowfall warnings for the next 24 hours), but, I was just outside and noticed that the sky is almost cloudless. Or maybe this is the typical ‘calm before the storm’.
We had quite the share of snow a couple of days ago and then some more this morning (and early noon), which didn’t stop us from venturing out to the mall, and way before that, the traditional shoveling. I was smart enough to shovel most of the snow last night.
Talking about that mall (the Truro Mall, that is, and yes, they’re online too): I noticed that two major stores are relocating to elsewhere in town, making the mall a perfect location for the zombie movie series ‘Dawn of the Dead: Alive in Hubtown (part IX)’. Soon in a theatre near you, I hope.
Update (01/01/08): No extra snow for this region. Apparently plenty of snow in Cape Breton.