Today, I discovered that the StringReaders/Writers in .Net only support UTF-16 encoding, which may lead to some breakage if you’re using it in combination with the XMLSerializer object.
If you really need to maintain UTF-8 compatibility, you should use a MemoryStream. This is actually just as simple as using a StringReader:
MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(); try { XmlSerializer formatter = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TMakeUpYourMind)); formatter.Serialize(m, this); m.Flush(); m.Seek(0, 0); StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(m); try { res = rd.ReadToEnd(); } finally { rd.Dispose(); } } finally { m.Dispose(); }
Don’t forget to ‘rewind’ the stream to position 0.
I’m not sure why this isn’t mentioned in the SDK. Also note to the Visual Studio Express developers: please make this weekly ‘registration of Visual Studio Express’ on my computer stop. I’m sure it’s a bug because everytime I register I get the same e-mail in with the same deals. I’ve already got 12 of them. Please.