May 4th

I almost forgot to mention that it’s May 4th today, again. That means, if it’s your birthday today, it’s, let me think, I do remember this, on the same day as Pia Zadora’s!

On the serious note: It’s also Remembrance Day for the fooks across the ocean. If you speak Dutch, more over at Alfons reports about a special National Remembrance Concert, which featured the last performance of the Ebony Band in Amsterdam1.

1 Corrected and edited.

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5 Responses to May 4th

  1. alfons says:

    It’s actually the last performance in Amsterdam (in Het Concertgebouw).

    Helaas blijken concertzalen in den lande over het algemeen geen lef, visie of geld te hebben om iets anders dan publieksvriendelijke muziek te programmeren.

    See here.

  2. alfons says:

    And the official page for last concert, Here

  3. alfons says:

    And the really last concert, see here

  4. Arthur says:

    Was it well attended?

  5. alfons says:

    Pretty much packed.
    I have to giggle a bit here. I remember a Revueltas concert by them in Gouda, with just over 20 visitors.

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