The third week of February is just around the corner, and guess what? It’s almost Spring! Idle hope maybe, since we’re still skimming the low -10s. For now, on average, Winter seems to have been cold but not as cold as the previous years: just last week we missed out on the snow fun that came from the US.
I’m not sure if I mentioned this before: Local businesses have been slowly moving online. Quite a change compared to 6-7 years ago, when only a handful understood dynamic content. Two of the locals (recently) announcing their online presence are The Daily News and the commercial radiostation ‘The Mix-100.9’ nee, ‘Big Dog’. The News needs an ‘Extreme Makeover’ for sure: the site looks unattractive, unprofessional and chaotic. For local news, even CBC-NS does a better job. It’s a start, though.
I have mixed feelings about the site for the local radiostation: I don’t like the use of (some) external plugins and I’m not sure what the point is of live streaming their content. Would you listen to a local radiostation when you are abroad? Once again, Big Dog’s net presence is a start. I see that their site provides even more actual local news.
I occasionally listen to local Canadian radio here in Budapest.
I occasionally listen to local Canadian radio here in Budapest.
Streamed over the Internet, right?