There’s criticism on the Dutch government for their campaign for the EU constitution. Earlier a Dutch referendum showed that the majority of voters did not support the new EU constitution.
The criticism comes from the Belgian minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister De Gucht. According to him, the Dutch government tried to play on the voters’ emotions instead of actually showing the advantages of the new constitution. He admits the Dutch voting pattern has been ‘unpredictable’, particularly considering the tumultuous Dutch elections and the popularity of Pim Fortuyn.
“And then they (the Dutch) elect Jan-Peter Balkenende: who’s a mix of Harry Potter and narrowmindedness, a person without a trace of charisma.”
More Harry Potter action we need! I heartily agree. More of this please.
As for the Dutch referendum: I have no words for the mixed bag of colourful parties that formed the ‘No Block’ (extreem-left, extreem-right and conservative Christian parties). I find the pictures of cheering Dutch No voters silly. If there are new elections, the Dutch should start a new party that’s all about um… sentiments! The New Sentiments Party: the party that does away with tolerance!
Update 06/05/05 20:25: Belgian minister apologizes for strong remarks (Dutch only)