Last night, The History Channel showed ‘The Battle of the bulge’, a typical 60s/70s war movie depicting the 1944 hard fought battle in the Ardennes. Typical, because it features many big screen stars in a story that is not soo close to the truth. Obviously, back in the days, most of the effects were filmed in the studio using miniature models and that.
Maybe the essence of these kind of Hollywood movies is to have people look up the actual stories behind the film (Wikipedia).
Which reminds me that Eastwood’s war movie (‘Flags of our fathers’) is supposed to be in theatres really soon. ‘Flags’ tells the story of the soldiers that raised the flag on Iwo Jima. Eastwood also directed a movie telling the other side’s story (which is now in postproduction).
Unfortunately, I can’t remember which movie it was, but I seem to recall one American film recently where the Americans revised history so that it featured US soldiers and spies doing some heroic deed instead of the historically accurate version which would have had the British being heroic. That kind of thing really pisses people off. Especially now that American movies are seen everywhere. It’s just bad PR.
I think it was U571
I think it was U571
I’ve seen that movie(A couple of months ago it was part of the History Channel’s “Submarine week”). Nowadays everything is ‘based on a true story’.