Milk and Honey, huh.

Note: today’s the Eurovision songfestival finals, as I promptly announced in my Elsewhere links the other day (Dutch are out, horrors!). Apparently you can follow it online too, but prepare for clogged up Ethernet lines when millions of Europeans and European refugees (excluding me) will try to get a view of this, how can I say this appropriately, grandeur European tradition.

I have no idea why it is so popular. It must be because of the winners, who are always singing the worst songs, wear terrible clothes or are ‘highly’ untalented. And most songs are about peace, peace or unity or a combination of them. Or about nothing particular at all. It slowly starts to appear to me that most of times women have won this festival. Sometimes duos (they were younger then), quartets, or more quartets or even more. That hurts. A lot.

While there may have been talented singers, I doubt that most of the winners could live up to the expectations and the pressure afterwards. (Note: all links have title tags filled, so hover your mouse over the link for artist and year)

Well, maybe only Sandy Shaw was able to make a comeback of sorts, thanks to the geniusses that were The Smiths and Morrissey. For the rest it was definitely not Milk and Honey after winning the Grand Prix of the Eurovision. I can’t wait to hear who the next winner is. Bets are in: it’s going to be a female with an elaborate song about nothing. It’s like watching American Idol, without the Points. I mean with the pu-oints.

Allo, Luxembourg Greece! Can you hear me?

Update: Older videos can be found over at this Dutch site. Includes a brilliant show of language skill from Nicole, singing her winning song in 2, no 3, no 4 different languages!

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