Yesterday, CBC’s “Information Morning” celebrated its 36 anniversary, which you can tell from this page 1. Look at the tiny pictures! While plenty of people complain about the local CBC station and its programme, I prefer it above the other (local) commercial radiostation(s). Add to that, the CBC sometimes really plays weird or never-heard-of-type-of-music (earlier on xsamplex).
As a programmer to a programmer, I’d like to thank Alfons for reminding me about shifting bits. As a bonus, go back to square one with Wikipedia’s explanation of bitwise operations. Back in 1845, the German mathematician Kronecker said that ‘God made the integers; all else is the work of man’, which keeps me wondering what type of integers he was talking about 2.
So, if ‘hearts are for love and hope’, what is the origin of the English word ‘heart’? And why do we associate our central organ with love? Our obsession with everything meat springs in my mind: from ‘hamburger time’ (I guess, I’m referring to certain scenes in that movie) to cannibalism. Eat your heart out! 3
1 Most likely that link will cease to exists in a couple of days.
2 Slightly related: “Integer overflow“
3 On a serious note, In 2002 cardiovascular disease accounted for 74,6261 Canadian deaths.