Category Archives: Those-wonder-years

Sion and the water

Back in the days, our parents used to take us kids out picknicking. I remember a couple of locations that we frequently visited and settled down: one was a spot we called ‘The Bunkers’ (and you guessed it, there were … Continue reading

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Queen’s mom

The Dutch queen’s mom died yesterday morning, and the first thing I did was go to the Dutch broadcasting corporation and view the news streams. I noticed that most people, when asked for the opinion, told that they regarded queen … Continue reading

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Da Mill!

Alfons sent me this picture of a famous mill somewhere in the east of ‘Da Country’. The mill is also present in a scene in the movie ‘A Bridge Too Far’, a movie which clearly wasn’t shot in or around … Continue reading

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You know your mind is getting retarded when you start to sing a song out of the blue. Just like that I was humming the song of the heroic Dutch SRV man: “Leve de man van de SRV van je … Continue reading

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I can hear the heart beating as one

An entry over at Corsac reminds me of the CD collection I used to have before I decided that it was time to chase my love. Most of them are mentioned over here (recovered from an old Excel file). During … Continue reading

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Audiotapes. Walkmans. Do they still exist? Yes, apparently they do . For some kind of reason, I think that’s pretty amazing. As a seventies kid, I was one of those who had a ‘Walkman’ and went through puberty buying too … Continue reading

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Diana coin

And another simple reminder to a tale that has to be told, thanks to the ever surprising Gothamist. At the end of 1999, probably around this time, Alf and I stayed in London for a couple of days: Kurt Weill’s … Continue reading

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Ter Land, Ter Zee en In de Lucht

Don’t break your tongue on that last word. It means ‘air’, or better yet, ‘sky’. Today, The Gothamist comes with another item that reminds of something of the past. Red Bull’s ‘FlugTag’. It’s a game to ‘launch human-powered objects off … Continue reading

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We read Slashdot for the what?

Over three years ago, I was obsessed with the court transcriptions of the DeCSS/DVD case. Reading one of the transcripts I submitted the following quote to Techdirt: “Transcript of Trial – Day 4, MPAA v. 2600 NY; July 20, 2000: … Continue reading

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KAL 007

Today it’s exactly 20 years ago the Russian airforce downed a South Korean airliner. All 269 passengers were killed. I remember when the news broke in Europe and (of course) the accusations forth and back. The Russians claimed that the … Continue reading

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“I wasn’t aware of that my dad was thinking of the war every single day. Except for when I refused to eat something, that was when he said that I should be happy that at least there was something to … Continue reading

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On this day

On this day, 58 years ago, the Japanese emperor Hirohito broadcast the message of surrender to the Japanese troops.

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